“My Journey to Wholeness is balanced, which is a hard thing for people to do when they are writing a book on their personal testimony. In many books 80 or even 90 percent of the content is about the suffering and suddenly the deliverance comes in the last chapter, then the book abruptly ends.
The author does way more than that with this book – the progression of the content truly represents a step-by-step process from the inside out. The journey of the book correlates more realistic with her journey in real life.
The author’s sincerity and straightforward stance from the beginning make readers bond with her right away and want to know more. She writes from the heart of her personal relationship with God knowing and trusting than preventing pain – He s able to convert it into beauty and health. ”
— Xulon Press Editorial Staff
“Your book sets a new standard in the body of Christ of how to be an OVERCOMER””
— Neal Bertrand
“My Journey To Wholeness, Local author glorifies a healing God””